Singing Guide: Dua Lipa & Silk City

Singing Guide: Dua Lipa & Silk City

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning how to sing like Dua Lipa requires not just talent, but skill, focus, and a strong desire to express yourself. Dua Lipa is known for her effortless high notes and impeccable vibrato, but she also has plenty of other qualities that make her a versatile, well-rounded singer. In this article, we will explore some of the key characteristics of Dua Lipa's vocal style, and show you how to develop your voice using practical exercises and resources from Singing Carrots.

Step 1: Vocal Range Test

The first step in learning how to sing like Dua Lipa is to discover your vocal range. Dua Lipa has an impressive range, spanning from contralto to soprano. To find out where you sit in comparison, take Singing Carrots' vocal range test. This will allow you to see which famous singers share a similar vocal range to you, giving you a point of reference that you can use to help guide your practice.

Step 2: Breathing Basics

Like all great singers, Dua Lipa has a strong breath support and uses her diaphragm to control her pitches. This is a crucial aspect of singing, as it helps to maintain your vocal health and stamina. To get started with the basics of breathing, check out Singing Carrots' guide to active and passive breathing. This will show you how to breathe correctly, using your stomach muscles to take deep breaths that support your singing.

Step 3: Voice Registers & Vocal Break

Dua Lipa has a distinctive voice that can switch between registers, from a smooth chest voice to a powerful head voice. To master this skill, it's important to understand how registers work and where your vocal break lies. Singing Carrots' guide to voice registers and vocal break will help you with this. It explains how to find your vocal break and how to develop a smooth transition from one register to another.

Step 4: Warm-ups and Exercises

To develop your voice like Dua Lipa, you need to practice regularly. This means vocal warm-ups and exercises that help to build your voice and make it stronger. Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor and pitch training are great tools for this. The monitor allows you to see your sung notes on a virtual piano, helping you to improve your pitch accuracy. On the other hand, pitch training offers interactive vocal warm-ups, a pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.

Step 5: Performance

Dua Lipa is an outstanding performer who knows how to grab an audience's attention and keep it. To develop this skill, Singing Carrots offers tips for performing on stage and how to overcome stage fright. These include learning how to relax and breathe, how to make eye contact, and how to build confidence and engage with your audience.

Step 6: Song Choice

Finally, when learning how to sing like Dua Lipa, it's important to choose songs that showcase your unique vocal style. Dua Lipa is known for her pop, dance, and R&B infused songs, which can be challenging to perform. Searching for songs by vocal range on Singing Carrots helps to identify songs tailored to your voice, style and preference.

With practice, patience, and the resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can develop your voice and learn how to sing like Dua Lipa. You'll be ready to showcase your own unique style and impress your audience in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.